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The Reasons for This Prophecy...

With absolute confidence I make this prophecy, because I shall give you not theories, spun from the imagination of the poet or novelist or from some dreamy philosopher in the seclusion of his study, or some penny-a-liner who is paid so much per page for his theories, but the actual results of human experience and a study of nature's laws and especially of the laws of financial gain. 

I shall give you "the kernel" of the best teachings of a score of our ablest psychologists and new thought writers in concentrated form. And I shall give the personal testimony of those who have risen from poverty to wealth through discovery of the laws of financial success and their application to the life.  

The principles here laid down have been tested over and over again in the laboratory of life's experiences and found correct and practicable. Moreover I myself have proved them and I illustrate these principles and prove their value in my own life. 

Another reason why we most confidently predict success to the students of , this course is the fact that the teachings are rational, being in accord with life and human experience, and based on laws that are now known and recognized as governing the accumulation of wealth. These is nothing of mystical charm, no miracle involved, nothing of the "cheap nostrum" order about them. 

Our method is simply reason amplified and set to work, energy awakened and employed, laws discovered and followed out with the one inevitable result: enlarged and ennobled character, mental and material wealth.