Avoid All Waste of Time, Money, Energy

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Avoid All Waste of Time, Money, Energy

Avoid All Waste of Time, Money, Energy

Closely related to the above is the careful conservation of life's resources, and opportunities. It has been said by some one that ''time is money, but time is infinitely more than money. Time improved spells character and character means destiny, so the wasting of time is infinitely greater prodigality than the waste of money.

Let no reader mistake me I am no advocate of constant work, believing that rest, recreation and amusement are as necessary as food and exercise, especially to real workers. Yet it is the unfortunate fact that most of the recreation and amusement are not sought by the workers but by the idlers. Good judgment must determine when the mind and body need recreating, and time and money thus spent are not wasted but used to good advantage. 

But so much time and money are needlessly spent by multitudes, where mind and body do not require the sacrifice, that it seems pitiable, from the standpoint of self- improvement, to see so much of life frittered away. The hours spent needlessly by 32 men and boys, if improved in study or practice, would soon mean greater efficiency in labor, better wages, shorter hours, and comfort if not affluence. Money spent on cigars, occasional drinks, or other useless expenditures, if saved and invested, would soon give the very capital required as the foundation of a fortune.

And how much human strength and magnetic force is wasted by many in idle talk, or senseless activity, or sensual indulgence, that would give vigor to the blow, conviction and power to the statement, or charm and winning force to the personality, if conserved in place of wasted.

Thousand of men go to business every day depleted of the very vital and magnetic forces necessary to success, because they have not had moral courage and strength to govern the body and its passions in place of being governed by them. Over indulgence in this regard has ruined many a man's prospects for life. 

The conservation of the vital, germinal forces in the human body gives light to the eye, charm to the voice, magnetic power to the personality, and that indefinable yet most potential ability to find one's way into the good graces and wishes of others, upon which success so largely depends.

If you want to win, go to business, to the office, to the conference, or to the public 33 meeting, brim full of vitality and people will realize without any act on your part that a king is in their midst.