If the mind is weakened by worries, vain regret, forebodings, or your mental forces spent in the inharmonious vibrations of envy, hatred, distrust or malice; or if the body is weakened by violation of natural law, or by excesses, over indulgence in appetite, passion, etc.; or if the mind and body are not in harmonious relation on Nature's plan for their harmonic working, do not expect success. He who cannot conquer the world within, cannot conquer the world without.
He who cannot regulate himself cannot rule over conditions and other people. The promise is He that over-cometh shall inherit all things' but it is also said that a house divided against itself cannot stand.
In the first-class condition of mind and body and their harmonious working on Nature's Plan, which we shall presently explain, is developed the power to tide one over difficulties, to triumph over conditions of inheritance, poor environment and seemingly insuperable obstacles and win one's way steadily to the heights of success.
This strength in constant increase can be brought into your life if you will keep a free and clear mind, in a healthy and vigorous body, working in harmony with the Divine Plan of Nature. Do you ask me what that Plan is It is revealed in the location of the organs of the brain, where you find those representing the appetites and passions at the base of the brain; those representing intellectual powers higher up and nearer the crown; those representing the spiritual faculties in the crown of the head.
This shows that the body is subject to the mind, both mind and body should be subservient to the spiritual nature. On this plan you can organize your life and secure harmony, and harmony means peace and power, without which you can never conquer the world.
Let Reason dictate how time, money, energy, be spent, just how far appetite should be indulged, hours for labour, sleep, recreation, and through all life's activities let there run a High Spiritual Purpose to make the most and best of life for yourself and accomplish the most good for humanity.
Avoid All Waste of Time, Money, Energy
Nature Plans Abundance for All.
Our Desires Are Prophecies and Show the Possibility
of Wealth
Claim For Yourself Unlimited Power, Wisdom
Cultivate Seer-ship in Business
Strength of Will Power
Eliminate Wrong Ideas, Ideals, Moods
Every Man's Duty to Make All the Money He Can
Great Ideas and Projects Interest Great Minds
Self-Assertion as a Success Factor
The Way to Drive - Out Worry and Fear
We Seek To Intensify Our Desires for Wealth