Every Man's Duty to Make All the Money He Can Honestly

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Every Man's Duty to Make All the Money He Can Honestly

Every Man's Duty to Make All the Money He Can Honestly...

At first sight it might seem that inheritors of great wealth having no need of more money and no love of business or labour might be excused from the task of money making. Not so, however. Everyman who enjoys the advantages of our wonderful civilization, who eats the food some toiler has grown, or wears the garments some toiler has made, who enjoys the protection which is freely granted to all, owes a personal debt to the world. 

Despite his large bank account and broad acres he is but a refined pauper if in some way he does not add to the wealth of the world. And no man has enough wealth to supply, not only his own need, but to fully meet the claims of a world in sickness, suffering and sorrow, and to plan and prosecute the great living reforms of this age.

 A man should demand of himself, of society, of his God, abundance of temporal good. The stream of abundance should flow with increasing volume into his life, and the stream of beneficence should flow with equal freedom out of his heart and life, to supply the higher needs of humanity. 

Freely receive; freely give. The ideal life is the one in which a liberal kingly income is assured and man in the royalty and beneficence of his nature should give like a king. No life can reach its maximum of enjoyment, power and usefulness without wealth.




Avoid All Waste of Time, Money, Energy


Nature Plans Abundance for All.


No Special Endowment


Our Desires Are Prophecies and Show the Possibility of Wealth




Poverty Is a Mental Disease


Claim For Yourself Unlimited Power, Wisdom


Cultivate Seer-ship in Business


Cultivate Strength of Will Power


Eliminate Wrong Ideas, Ideals, Moods


Great Ideas and Projects Interest Great Minds


Keep a Watchful Eye...


Make the World


Power of ' Auto-Suggestion


Principles and Methods of Success (Keep Body and Mind in Tip-Top Condition)


Self-Assertion as a Success Factor


The Making Over Of One's Self


The Reasons for This Prophecy


The Right Use of Difficulties


The Way to Drive - Out Worry and Fear


We Seek To Intensify Our Desires for Wealth


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