Power of Auto-Suggestion

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Power of Auto-Suggestion


Undoubtedly the most remarkable discovery in Psychology in our times is the Wonderful Power of Suggestion in the formation of character and the awakening of the soul's powers. It has been found that our lives are ruled to a large extent by suggestion i. e., by impressions made upon the mind by what we see, hear and sense, or by telepathic action of other minds.

This is true of men generally and in the ordinary waking state that they are ruled and governed more largely in this way than would, at first sight, seem possible. Under suggestion received from without or by telepathy men often do what they had not planned; what, in some cases, they had not dared to do, and often with most surprising results to themselves and to others.

Under Suggestion men have undertaken tasks that ordinarily would have appalled them sometimes meeting with phenomenal success, sometimes developing in the very novel attempts thus inspired, powers of mind and body they did not believe themselves to possess, and often gathering for themselves new strength and inspiration in their life work.

While this is true of suggestion received in the normal, working state, it is found that Suggestion given to one in sleep, or in the hypnotic condition enters more deeply into the nature, affects the life much more powerfully, and has a most surprising, a seemingly magical effect, in calling out the latent powers and talents of the soul. 

In- deed, the records of the results of suggestion are so wr onderful that it may be looked upon as the real Aladdin Lamp of modern times in psychology. Its affects are seen not only in a changed and strengthened mental condition, greater courage, faith, daring and ability, but its marvelous results on the human body are now fully recognized in the cure of disease, the conquest of the drink and opium habit, and the general regeneration of the human system.

Educators of the New School and all students of the New Psychology know it to be one of the most efficient instruments in the building of character and the proper training of children. Through its power parents today by mental suggestion to their sleeping children are building up a loftier type of manhood and womanhood for the future, endued with powers of mind and body surpassing those of past days.

While all this and much more is true of Suggestion and many are silently curing the sick and reforming the vicious by proper suggestions administered to them in sleep, it is not generally known that the same wonderful power may be applied by a person to himself, by what is known as Auto-Suggestion.

The Great Sub-conscious Mind, which is not a second mind, or a separate mind, but that most reservoir of subjective mental activities which is continually active which works automatically which reasons only deductively which presides over all the vital functions (digestion, circulation, respiration,, secretion,, nutrition,, etc.) and rules us asolutely in sleep and hypnosis is amenable to suggestion by our normal waking consciousness. 

Power Of ' Auto-Suggestion    Undoubtedly the most remarkable discovery in Psychology in our times is the Wonderful Power of Suggestion in the formation of character and the awakening of the soul's powers. It has been found that our lives are ruled to a large extent by suggestion i. e., by impressions made upon the mind by what we see, hear and sense, or by telephathic action of other minds.    This is true of men generally and in the ordinary waking state that they are ruled and governed more largely in this way than would, at first sight, seem possible. Under suggestion received from without or by telepathy men often do what they had not planned; what, in some cases, they had not dared to do, and often with most surprising results to themselves and to others.   Under Suggestion men have undertaken tasks that ordinarily would have appalled them sometimes meeting with phenomenal success, sometimes developing in the very novel attempts thus inspired, powers of mind ^nd body they did not believe themselves to possess, and often gathering for themselves new strength and inspiration in their life work.   While this is true of suggestion received in the normal, working state, it is found that Suggestion given to one in sleep, or in the hypnotic condition enters more deeply into the nature, affects the life much more powerfully, and has a most surprising, a seemingly magical effect, in calling out the latent powers and talents of the soul.    In- deed, the records of the results of suggestion are so wr onderful that it may be looked upon as the real Aladdin Lamp of modern times in psychology. Its affects are seen not only in a changed and strengthened mental condition, greater courage, faith, daring and ability, but its marvelous results on the human body are now fully recognized in the cure of disease, the conquest of the drink and opium habit, and the general regeneration of the human system.   Educators of the New School and all stu- dents of the New Psychology know it to be one of the most efficient instruments in the building of character and the proper train- ing of children. Through its power parents today by mental suggestion to their sleeping children are building up a loftier type of manhood and womanhood for the future, endued with powers of mind and body sur- passing those of past days.   While all this and much more is true of Suggestion and many are silently curing the sick and reforming the vicious by proper suggestions administered to them in sleep, it is not generally known that the same wonderful power may be applied by a person to himself, by what is known as Auto-Suggestion.   The Great Sub-conscious Mind, which is not a second mind, or a separate mind, but that most reservoir of subjective mental activities which is continually active which works automatically which reasons only deductively which presides over all the vital functions (digestion, circulation, res- piration,, secretion,, nutrition,, etc.) and rules us absolutely in sleep and hypnosis is amenable to suggestion by our normal waking consciousness.    All our ordinary thinking, our experiences of every kind, constitute suggestions to the Subjective Mind, which receives them as the hopper receives all grain, and forthwith proceeds to grind them up into material for the building of our minds, and into patterns and ideals for the rebuilding of our bodies. So we are constantly furnishing these suggestions to the subjective mind and constantly rebuilding mind and body according to suggestions given.   If then we want health, vigor, soundness of body, strong mentality, great courage, faith and will power, we must make suggestions along these lines by constantly af- firming to ourselves the posession of these qualities and assuredly we will find them developed in our characters and abundantly manifested in our lives.    A fixed idea of Health, Happiness, Success, implanted in the mind by his power of Auto-Suggestion is worth more than a fortune to any man. In this way we should, by a steady habit of Auto-Suggestion, fix in the Subjective Mind the strongest possible faith in our own ability. Dr. Quackenbos of Columbia University has accomplished seemingly miraculous results in developing great ability in music and art in boys and girls in a few months by Suggestion, which would ordinarily have taken years of training, and which ability might never have manifested under any length of training but for the strange power which Suggestion has of callr ing out the latent powers of the soul.    Suggestions given to a pupil under hypnosis are accepted with unquestioned faith, and faith seems to have a mysterious power of healing and inspiring, and especially of awakening talent lying dormant. Men generally can do what they believe can do, and they cannot do what they believe they cannot do. We see this in the hypnotized boy who being told he cannot cross a certain line on the floor, struggles in vain to cross it, his belief holding him in captivity and utterly suppressing his natural physical powers.   On the other hand, I have frequently heard the hypnotized lad, under suggestion that he was a noted orator, arise and deliver a surprising address, of which he was utterly incapable in his normal state. And I have seen the hypnotized subject leap over a man's head under the stimulus of suggestion a feat he could not possibly accomplish in his waking state. No one knows the reserve powers of the mind. If you would awaken them, you must cultivate daily by Auto-Suggestion unlimited faith in yourself.

All our ordinary thinking, our experiences of every kind, constitute suggestions to the Subjective Mind, which receives them as the hopper receives all grain, and forthwith proceeds to grind them up into material for the building of our minds, and into patterns and ideals for the rebuilding of our bodies. So we are constantly furnishing these suggestions to the subjective mind and constantly rebuilding mind and body according to suggestions given.

If then we want health, vigor, soundness of body, strong mentality, great courage, faith and will power, we must make suggestions along these lines by constantly af- firming to ourselves the possession of these qualities and assuredly we will find them developed in our characters and abundantly manifested in our lives. 

A fixed idea of Health, Happiness, Success, implanted in the mind by his power of Auto-Suggestion is worth more than a fortune to any man. In this way we should, by a steady habit of Auto-Suggestion, fix in the Subjective Mind the strongest possible faith in our own ability. 

Dr. Quackenbos of Columbia University has accomplished seemingly miraculous results in developing great ability in music and art in boys and girls in a few months by Suggestion, which would ordinarily have taken years of training, and which ability might never have manifested under any length of training but for the strange power which Suggestion has of calling out the latent powers of the soul.

Suggestions given to a pupil under hypnosis are accepted with unquestioned faith, and faith seems to have a mysterious power of healing and inspiring, and especially of awakening talent lying dormant. Men generally can do what they believe can do, and they cannot do what they believe they cannot do.

We see this in the hypnotized boy who being told he cannot cross a certain line on the floor, struggles in vain to cross it, his belief holding him in captivity and utterly suppressing his natural physical powers.

On the other hand, I have frequently heard the hypnotized lad, under suggestion that he was a noted orator, arise and deliver a surprising address, of which he was utterly incapable in his normal state. 

And I have seen the hypnotized subject leap over a man's head under the stimulus of suggestion a feat he could not possibly accomplish in his waking state. No one knows the reserve powers of the mind. If you would awaken them, you must cultivate daily by Auto-Suggestion unlimited faith in yourself.



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