Great Ideas and Projects Interest Great Minds

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Great Ideas and Projects Interest Great Minds


Most lives, as we have already pointed out, are poor and mean in their outward expression and conditions because the individuals are mentally poor and poverty - stricken. Little thoughts, plans, ideals beget little interest, little effort, little zeal in the individual, and awaken little or no interest in other minds. 

Great Ideas and Projects Interest Great Minds...

The radical difference between the pop-corn man on the corner and the Captain of Industry or the financial magnate, is in the size of their ideas and conceptions. Pop-corn ideas beget a 'pop-corn life; great ideas, projects, enterprises, on the other hand, rouse the soul of the individual to zeal, effort, courage, daring, commensurate with the great ideas. 

Great men cannot be approached with any project of a trifling character; time and mental force are too valuable to waste on things not worth while. If we accept the theory of an overshadowing spiritual universe thronged with guardian intelligences of humanity, we may well believe that the noblest intelligences over there will not enter into alliance with any mortal here, is not doing something "worth while."

A man should continually plan greater and still greater enterprises for himself should have the courage and daring to embark upon these new enterprises trusting in the unfolding powers of his own soul, in the great law of evolution, in the angelic help, and in the "Star of Destiny" to crown his efforts with success. Great Ideas and Projects if accompanied by sound judgment, proper, plans and proportionate zeal produce Great Men and Great Success.




Avoid All Waste of Time, Money, Energy


Nature Plans Abundance for All.


No Special Endowment


Our Desires Are Prophecies and Show the Possibility of Wealth




Poverty Is a Mental Disease


Claim For Yourself Unlimited Power, Wisdom


Cultivate Seer-ship in Business


Cultivate Strength of Will Power


Eliminate Wrong Ideas, Ideals, Moods


Every Man's Duty to Make All the Money He Can Honestly


Keep a Watchful Eye...


Make the World


Power of ' Auto-Suggestion


Principles and Methods of Success (Keep Body and Mind in Tip-Top Condition)


Self-Assertion as a Success Factor


The Making Over Of One's Self


The Reasons for This Prophecy


The Right Use of Difficulties


The Way to Drive - Out Worry and Fear


We Seek To Intensify Our Desires for Wealth


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