Enter the Restaurant Prepared

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Enter the Restaurant Prepared

Enter the Restaurant Prepared

Who doesn’t enjoy eating out All you have to do is point to that yummy dish on the menu, someone will prepare it, someone else will bring the delightful and beautifully decorated meal to you, plus, you won’t have to do the dishes.

However, when you are on a restricted diet and trying to fight off diabetes, you will need to do a little bit more than merely pointing to the desired dish. Even if the picture of the meal may look super healthy and mouth-watering, that doesn’t mean that it is good for your condition.

However, how to know if the meal you are about to order hasn’t been drowned in butter How to count the carbs and make that dish fit into your daily meal plan For you to be sure that dining out will not interfere with your treatment, here are some tips that will help you keep the carbohydrates and the blood sugar checked.
 • Before leaving your house, go online and check the restaurant’s website. Most of the restaurants 'sites include nutrition information about their meals.

 • When you need to count the carbs and calories before you eat, it is recommended to have an app stored on your phone or a pocket guide for nutritional information. 

There are many nutrition apps and pocket guides available.

 • Go for small portions or ask for a half portion. If, however, your dish is one sized, eat half and ask them to pack the rest.

 • Ask a friend to split a meal.

 • Skip the side dish, especially if it’s French fries or white rice.

 • Always ask for the healthier option, for instance, baked instead of fried.