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Stress can negatively affect insulin levels and make it hard to manage blood glucose levels. When you’re stressed, the stress hormones epinephrine and cortisol kick in. Their role is to raise blood sugar levels for energy when you need it the most. 

This is good for emergencies like when you need to run away from a hungry lion that’s chasing you but certainly not good for raising blood sugar constantly.

Learn to manage your stress. It may be hard at first since we live in a fastpaced society. Use these simple tips to relieve stress.

• Start doing things that make you happy playing a musical instrument, doing an art task, fishing, reading a book you enjoy, or spending the morning in the garden.

• Try yoga and exercise. The combination of relaxing yoga poses and deep breathing techniques helps reduce the levels of cortisol in the blood and lower blood pressure. 

In addition to its health benefits mentioned earlier, exercise also triggers the release of the hormone endorphin that relieves stress. Outdoor exercise and walking along a nature trail can be highly meditative and do wonders for your health.

• Mindfulness. Being mindful means being in the present, fully aware and observing things without judgment. For instance, when you walk down the street, try to be in the present listen to the chirping of the birds, feel how the wind gently tickles your skin, focus on people’s chattering, etc. Try to be mindful all the time, whether you are stuck in the traffic, or at a meeting. 

It will help you relax, and you will learn to deal with stressful situations without letting them get the best of you.

• Meditation. We all know the benefits of this ancient technique, but what makes it ideal for people with diabetes is the fact that it reduces stress, slows the heart rate, and achieves balance. 

You do not need to meditate like a monk, and you can start with taking deep breaths at a quiet place. Purchase a book  meditation for beginners or buy a DVD, that will help you master this amazing relaxing technique.

• Do things that make use of your talents. For example, if you are excellent with your hands, then create things for yourself, your family or friends. If you like animals, think about owning a pet.

• Go out to a movie or dinner with friends.

• Spend time with persons who make you feel happy about yourself individuals who treat you well. Keep away from people who treat you poorly. What’s imperative is that you unwind and keep stress from building up.


How to Manage Diabetes


Introduction to Diabetes


What Is Diabetes


Type 1 Diabetes


Type 2 Diabetes


Gestational Diabetes


Classification of Diabetes 


Known Factors That Can Lead To Diabetes


Sugar No, Thanks!


Water?  Drink Up!


How Do You Count Carbohydrate Intake?


Supplement Your Diet


Make a Meal Plan




Rainbow Diet


Lose Weight and Exercise Regularly


Limit Alcohol Consumption


Quit Smoking


Plan Your Trips Well


Taking Care of Your Eyes


Taking Care of Your Feet


Enter the Restaurant Prepared


Avoiding Gastroparesis


Hug Your Pillow


Cut Back on Saturated Fats and Avoid Trans Fats


Problems with Glucose Tests


Diabetes General Advice


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