Diabetes General Advice

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Diabetes General Advice

Diabetes General Advice

If you have diabetes, managing blood glucose levels should be your top priority. The simple habits in this blogsite site cover the most important aspects of a lifestyle that can help you manage blood sugar and beat diabetes.

It’s not an easy task to unlearn the unhealthy habits we’ve accumulated over the years. It’s a challenge to change your food preference and to stop yourself from drinking alcohol or smoking. It’s hard to start exercising when you just want to stay on the couch and watch TV. 

However, when you think about the benefits that these lifestyle changes will bring to your health and your life, you’ll have the motivation to change for the better. 

Habits are learned. You can cultivate healthy habits to replace old ones. Keep working on these habits until they become second nature to you. Not only can diabetes be managed, but also it can be reversed. 

Stick to these lifestyle changes and healthy habits, and see how you will feel much better and enjoy a healthy and happy life.


How to Manage Diabetes


Introduction to Diabetes


What Is Diabetes


Type 1 Diabetes


Type 2 Diabetes


Gestational Diabetes


Classification of Diabetes


Symptoms of Diabetes


Known Factors That Can Lead To Diabetes


Sugar No, Thanks!


Water?  Drink Up!


How Do You Count Carbohydrate Intake?


Supplement Your Diet


Make a Meal Plan




Rainbow Diet


Lose Weight and Exercise Regularly


Limit Alcohol Consumption


Quit Smoking




Plan Your Trips Well


Taking Care of Your Eyes


Taking Care of Your Feet


Enter the Restaurant Prepared


Avoiding Gastroparesis


Hug Your Pillow


Cut Back on Saturated Fats and Avoid Trans Fats


Problems with Glucose Tests


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