How Do You Count Carbohydrate Intake

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How Do You Count Carbohydrate Intake

There are several ways to count carbohydrates

1) Learn how to read a Nutrition Facts label.

This can be found at the back of most packaged products. Take note that the numbers shown are according to serving and not for the whole package.

The above label shows that two slices contain 36 grams of carbohydrate. The carbohydrate includes 6 grams of fiber and 3 grams of sugars. Since fiber does not raise blood sugar levels, you can subtract the 6 grams of fiber from the total carbohydrate available. 36 grams – 6 grams will leave you with 30 grams for the two slices.

You should always read the food labels before consumption, however, in cases when that is not possible; you should have a general serving size in mind. Here is a list of examples that will help you in the process. Each of the following foods contains about 15 grams of carbohydrates. 

 • 1 slice of bread

 • 1 medium flour tortilla

 • 1 small fruit (approximately 4 ounces)

 • ? cup of cooked rice

 • ? cup of cooked pasta

 • ½ cup of black beans

 • ½ cup of cooked starchy vegetables

 • 1 cup of soup

 • ½ English muffin

 • 3 cups popcorn

 • 23 cup of fat-free yogurt

 • ½ cup oatmeal

 • ½ cup frozen fruit (or canned)

 • ½ cup casserole

 • ½ banana

 • 2 cookies

2) Controlling portions number of servings

If you want to have more servings of a particular food, you’ll have to take portions into consideration. Based on the above Nutrition Facts label, the carb count of 36 grams is only for two slices. This means that if you eat four slices, you will be consuming twice the amount of carbohydrates.

Tip Close your fist. That would be 1 cup.

3) Learn about the glycemic load of your favorite foods

Glycemic load is the amount of carbohydrates in food or drink being consumed. The glycemic index is a tool that measures how much food change the levels of blood glucose. Foods with an index of 70 or higher are considered high glycemic index foods. You should aim for foods with a low glycemic index to keep your sugar levels from spiking.