True Vs. Untrue

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True Vs. Untrue

In the previous POST, we talked about looking at facts. But are facts also the truth The answer is no. Confusing, right It’s just like life. For example, does God exist I don’t know. I’ve never seen any evidence. Does that mean God is not real It doesn’t matter what I think. If God has an impact on the way you live, it’s true for you no matter what scientists say.

Friedrich Nietzsche, the German philosopher who had a profound impact on western philosophy, famously said There are no facts, only interpretations. Nietzsche was a man of true self-knowledge. Sigmund Freud even said that “he had a more penetrating knowledge of himself than any other man who ever lived or was ever likely to live.” He was a very analytical thinker, especially when it came to his own thoughts.

When Nietzsche said that there are no facts, he meant that we, as human beings, ultimately rely on our interpretations of reality. There’s no way to confirm reality objectively. That doesn’t mean nothing is real and that we’re all living in a big dream. We just have to realize that facts are not the same thing as the truth.

That simple thought saves you a lot of energy because it means no one can be right or wrong. Don’t bother with convincing people with different opinions of the “truth.” It’s just not a practical thing to do. Save your energy for other, more useful things.


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