Inner Calm

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Inner Calm


There’s only one end goal to all of this: Inner calm. No matter what you experience in life, and no matter what happens to you, your mind should stay calm under all circumstances.

That’s the ultimate prize in life. Mastery of the mind means that we control our mind. Remember: You can only achieve that through daily practice. Some people call it meditation and others might call it mindfulness. No matter what you call “finding inner calm,” please don’t over complicate it. 

You don’t need a ten-thousand-dollar course to learn how to find some peace inside your head. Just sit down, be one with your thoughts, observe them, and then, ignore them. That’s all there is to meditation.

I “meditate” all the time—when I walk, exercise, write, wait, sit, lay, whatever. I can always find the time and energy to go within myself to find peace. I don’t need anything to do it. That’s important to realize. I’ve said it before. 

But it’s so important that I’ll say it again: You don’t need a yoga mat, music, or teacher to help you control your thoughts. You can go within yourself to find calm anytime you want. You also don’t need a holiday, new shoes, or a drink.

 How do I know this?

 I control my mind. 

 I decide what it does. 

 So can you.

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