Connect The Dots

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Connect The Dots

Your brain is constantly working, even when you’re not actively thinking. Apart from managing all the vital functions of your body, the brain also scans every piece of information that comes in. The brain compares it with other information that it has already stored. 

Your brain searches for similarities and differences between that information. That’s how we think and use our brain to come up with new ideas. The brain consists of many small networks of neurons that connect to other networks, like this:

Just a basic understanding of how my brain works helps me to understand how I can nurture it. I don’t worry about finding a direct application for information I acquire. I feed my brain with knowledge that I’m curious about. 


And that diverse information might be stored in different networks, but as long as I connect the dots later, I’m okay with that. Like Steve Jobs said, “You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward. 

So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. "If you want the dots to connect in the future, you have the make sure you form dots in your brain. The only way you form dots is by learning, doing, making mistakes, reflecting, or anything you can do to feed your brain with the input it needs to give you the output you want.