Think About The Details Even More

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Think About The Details Even More


I overlooked a small detail, and it cost me a lot. But the lesson I learned was more valuable than the business I could gain. Details are probably the most important thing in business, work, sports, art, and life in general. “The devil is in the detail.” It’s one of my favourite platitudes. But I never followed the advice in the past. The main reason was my impatience. 

I always tried to hurry everything Sending emails, making calls, writing reports, assignments, essays, you name it. I thought that it mattered that I got the work done. But I was wrong. Because things often seem easy from the outside. Until you start doing them.

This publication took me 13 months to write. I spent countless hours researching the topic. I also spent hours on writing, editing, cutting, writing more, and editing it again. And then, again. I also changed the title three times, and the subtitle even more than that.

My first title was The Art Of Practicality. I initially liked it a lot because it sounded familiar. But as I started writing a book about thinking, I also applied the methods to my own book. So I thought, “What does the art of even mean” I didn’t have a good answer. I took that as a sign that I needed to change the title. You know what’s funny

My second title was The Power Of Pragmatic Thinking. Like a genius, I came up with another generic title (which was even longer than the previous one)! Do you know how many articles start with The Power Of A quick book titles search on Good reads with “the power of” gave me 83895 results. That’s a lot of books with those words in the title or subtitle. One of the things I’ve learned about writing articles is that you must stand out somehow.

No one cares about a better book on thinking. Instead, it’s likely that you picked up this post because you expected something different. But with the previous titles that I had drafted, I knew no one would think it’d be different. Two weeks before I published THINK STRAIGHT, I started promoting it on my site and social media. And quickly, my readers became excited. Soon, emails like these came pouring in

 “Can’t wait for the article ! Well done.”

 “I am so excited to read your new post!!”

 “What a determined person you are! I look forward to Think Straight.”

I love my readers. That’s why I put in a lot of time to get the title right. At that time, no one had read the book. But based on the title, readers were already excited. And that was my goal. To everyone who emailed me before the launch I hope I delivered ;)

Thinking about details is nothing more than doing your job. If you’re a writer, your job is to write the best book you possibly can. If you’re a designer, your job is to create the best design you can. You’re not here to write one book and call it quits. Or to design one product and retire. If you want to grow—financially, spiritually, mentally—you must revisit the details all the time.

Never underestimate or overlook details if you want to do a job right. And if you don’t, it’s better not to do it at all.

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