The Braggart Pitfall

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The Braggart Pitfall

Bragging, as we all know, is a major turnoff. So it is best to steer completely clear of it. This is especially true in the case of physical attributes. You might be one hell of a looker, but let the other person decide, remember that what wine is for Peter can turn of to be venom for Paul.

You can make implied statements like, I am certainly not a bad looker, or opinion is divided, some people think that I am good looking while others think that I am not. But perhaps the best way of describing yourself would be to add a touch of humor to it.


If you are chubby you could say something like, I am round in all the right places…I hope. If you are tall you could say something like, some say I should play basketball. If you are on the short side you could say something like, I might seem to lacking in size but I assure you, it is all there. 

You know what is the best part about such witty remarks about oneself Humor always works. All of us have been blessed with a sense of humor to some degree at least and if a person is able to make funny comments about himself or herself, that always acts as a turn on. And you can take my word for it; humor sells like a billion dollars.



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