Brevity is Key

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Brevity is Key


Another crucial thing about writing your profile is that you should keep it as brief as possible. Nobody and that means nobody wants to read through lines and lines of another person's profile. 

If you make it so long winded the person who is reading it will get the idea that you are the kind of person who would love to keep on talking about yourself and instead of go on a date with you, the reader would rather curl up and die.

But that doesn't mean that you have to limit the whole thing to just a few words. A too brief profile would sound as if you do not have time for all this, but you are just doing it for the heck of it. 

The best style that you could use would be to be 100% natural. Write your profile as you would describe yourself to a person directly. The conversation style has the widest appeal I might add. Make it simple and stay away from big words and hackneyed expressions.



Making Yourself Look like A Million Dollars


The Boredom Pitfall


The Braggart Pitfall


The Dream Profile


The Face in the Mirror


The Hackneyed Pitfall


The Modesty Pitfall


The Vagueness Pitfall


You are Unique


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