The Boredom Pitfall

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The Boredom Pitfall


Try to make yourself sound as interesting as possible. I mean it. If you are painting a self portrait you might as well use the right colors. Before we leave our homes what do we do We all spend at least five minutes in front of our mirrors in an attempt to make our selves look as presentable and as impressive as possible. 

Well, the same thing applies to our profile. Remove all drab details about yourself that might be of no interest to the reader. If your job is something like editing journals on the etymology of words derived from ancient Aramaic, well, just say that you have an editing job.

Similarly try to bear in mind that anything can be put down in two ways. You can either make it interesting or boring; so work on it until you are sure that it will not bore a reader to death and the best test for this would be to hand it over to a close friend and ask that friend's opinion. Nobody likes a bore so take all efforts not to sound like one.



Making Yourself Look like A Million Dollars


Brevity is Key


The Braggart Pitfall


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The Face in the Mirror


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The Vagueness Pitfall


You are Unique


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