No One Can Make You Feel Worthless

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No One Can Make You Feel Worthless

When you know your worth, no one can make you feel worthless. Nothing ever goes away until it teaches us what we need to know. When we learn from our past mistakes, then, no one can judge us.

True. It is easy to focus on the negative aspects of our life, rather than the positive ones.

This makes us feel that everything is wrong, and that there is nothing good in our life. We may find ourselves have feelings of worthlessness or guilt, or that we feel useless and beyond help.

But we can turn these negative thoughts into positive. Make a list of the main negatives in your life and work through these one by one. If you blame yourself for everything, try re-thinking each issue to see if there could be an alternative explanation. Then, try to work out what you can do to create some positive outcomes for each of your issues. This can be done by asking someone you trust, like a friend or family member, to help you with this.

If you have been struggling with trust issues, you are not alone. People develop negative thoughts about themselves due to a variety of reasons, but with some support, you can transform these old ideas of worthlessness into new ones that are productive and promote positivity. You may feel down right now, but with practice, you can recover and feel good about yourself.

Worthlessness issues stem from several sources and vary from person to person. Negative thinking patterns can be overwhelming at times. However, it is possible to undo them and develop positive ones that uplift you. In fact, a lack of self-esteem is one of the most common reasons that people decide to seek help, and millions of people have successfully overcome their negative feelings.

If you do not feel that you have any self-worth, then merely improving self-esteem is not enough because you will not believe it inside. You need to improve both to get real, positive beliefs about yourself. Self-worth is how much you value yourself, and it is tied to self-esteem because self-esteem is what you perceive about yourself.

The feeling of worthlessness is a strong feeling that can lead to suicide in depressed people. Many people who experience multiple setbacks in their lives like job loss, financial struggle, divorce, or not liking how they look can end up feeling like their lives have no meaning. Depressed people may feel hopeless and view themselves as failures.

Wondering why feeling worthless is not uncommon? it is due to the fact that someone else has projected these feelings onto you. We all make mistakes, and concentrating on the big picture too much can make us feel quite inferior, especially when things do not go the way we want them to be. Rather than striving for perfection and comparing yourself to others, choose to focus on how unique you are.

Try to avoid negative thinking. Telling yourself that you should be in a certain way, achieve a certain goal or have certain things can set you up for failure. This can create unnecessary stress and pressure on yourself. What you can do, is to create more productive thoughts and goals that are aligned with your own values.

Self-worth has something to do with accepting yourself the way you are, and knowing that even with your faults, you are a valued person. None of us is perfect. The key is to accept yourself for everything you are while letting go of all the things you are not.