Why fast?

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Why fast?

The next question that you may have is why you should consider fasting in the first place. Humans have actually been going through periods of fasting for many years. Sometimes they did this because it was a necessity since they were not able to find any food to eat. 

Then there were also times that the fasting was done for religious reasons. Religions such as Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam mandate some form of fasting. Also, it is natural to fast when you are feeling sick.

Although fasting sometimes has a negative connotation, there is really nothing that is unnatural about fasting. In fact, our bodies are well equipped to handle times when we have to go without eating. 

There are quite a few processes inside of the body that changes when we go on a fast. This helps our bodies to continue functioning during periods of famine.

When we fast, we get a significant reduction in insulin and blood sugar levels, as well as a drastic increase in what is known as the human growth hormone. While this was something that was originally done when food was scarce, it is now used to help people to lose weight. 

With fasting, burning fat becomes simple, easier, and effective. Some people decide to go on a fast because it can help their metabolism. This kind of fasting is good for improving various health disorders and diseases.

There is also some evidence that shows how intermittent fasting can help you to live longer. Studies show that rodents were able to extend their lifespan with intermittent fasting.

Other research shows that fasting can help protect against various diseases such as Alzheimer’s, cancer, type-2 diabetes, and heart disease. And then there are those who choose to go on an intermittent fast because it’s convenient for their lifestyle. Fasting can be a really effective life hack. For instance, the fewer meals you have to make, the simpler your life will become.

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