Metabolic Myth #4: Desserts Make You Fat...

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Metabolic Myth #4: Desserts Make You Fat...


Don’t blame poor delicious chocolate, ice cream, birthday cake, or chocolate chip cookies for your stalled metabolism. Desserts are to be celebrated! When we eat them occasionally with a fast metabolism, we can do so without guilt.

When we eat them with a slow metabolism, they stick to us, just like everything else we eat. 

Add guilt, and you’ve upped the stress response, elevating the release of fat storage hormones and making the situation even worse. I like to tell my clients that guilt is as fattening as a bag of pork rinds.

If you really want dessert, have it with intention and pride and full enjoyment, and most important, no stress. If you can’t do that, then skip it. It’s not worth the price.



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